This news item explains what a typical U3A group does.
25 years, Amazing.
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A BOLTON group is hoping to reach out to new members as it hits 25 years old.
For more than two decades the University of the Third Age (U3A) has been bringing together retired and semi-retired people to learn together — not for qualifications, but for the joy of discovery.
While the word 'university' can appear daunting, the group is hoping to refresh its image in 2017 and reach out to more people.
Chairman Tony Pearson said: "It's an increasingly important group in the local community. Membership has been steadily increasing.
"Retired people taking matters into their own hands with a remit of lifelong learning and friendly recreational activities. Learn, Laugh, Live is our motto!
"For some people it's difficult to find activities, it depends on how outgoing an individual is.
"A lot of our members were alone and come to U3A after suffering a bereavement. Life has changed and they want to get back out there and meet people.
"We feel a lot of people in Bolton probably don't know enough about us and have never considered joining. We would love to get our message out there to more sectors of the community."
U3A is a national charity which was established in 1987 and the Bolton branch came along four years later.
It currently has 360 members but hopes to build up to at least 400 this year.
The group meets on the last Friday of every month and runs different activities throughout the year.
These can be anything from cultural visits, quizzes, quilting, music class and crafts to indoor bowls, lessons in Mandarin or classics, philosophy, photography, creative writing and rambling.
Mr Pearson added: "For a lot of people it is an absolute lifeline.
"They have a good time, keep their mind active, meet people, make new friends and be part of something.
"The idea is you are never to old to learn something new. When you reach retirement age you don't have to give up, it's quite the opposite. Get involved, keep your mind active."
The first meeting of 2017 for the Bolton U3A will take place on January 27 at St Andrew and St George Church in St George's Road, Bolton.
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